About Me

I have been a kindergarten teacher for 16 years. I now have children of my own and see on a daily basis how they use technology. I decided it was time to return to school myself. I am a currently a graduate student at Full Sail University working towards a Master's Degree in Education Media Design and Technology.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenarios Planning

Target Audience –
            My target audience will be 10 of my kindergarten students. There is block of time in my day where several of my students leave the room for a remedial program. This time is also at the end of the day when the downstairs computer lab is available. I will have access to that computer lab with my target audience at that time.

Materials –
            My materials will be my 10 kindergarten students and the computer lab, as well as some paper and a pencil for the rough draft.

Objectives –
            The target audience will use the web 2.0 tool, Zimmer Twins, to complete the writing that they have begun in the classroom. They will apply their knowledge of a written story (with a basic beginning, middle and end). They will then produce a movie that demonstrates their understanding. This project will be completed together with a partner.

Procedure –
            The kindergarten students will work together in teacher-selected pairs to create a basic movie. They will begin in the classroom. They will practice writing a story by using the words first, next, and last as a starting point. Once they write a basic story we will be able to go online. In the computer lab, they will log onto Zimmertwins.com to create their movie. They will work with their partner and choose from one of the drop down settings provided on the site. Once a setting is decided upon, they will write a basic script about what these characters will do and why. Some of this will be done on paper as an outline of their project. They will then choose the best pictures to represent their ideas. They will piece together their movie and add the dialogue into the speech bubbles. Their movies will be saved online in a class account to view together at a later date. We will all view the movies together and offer comments and suggestions.

Web 2.0 Tool –
            I will be using the ZimmerTwins.com web 2.0 tool with this group of students. This website is a basic movie making tool for kids. It allows anyone to manipulate the pre-set scenes to create a unique, individual movie. The creator can change the characters locations actions very easily. It’s almost like “iMovie for kids.”

Social Participation/Social Learning –
            I plan on keeping the groups small so that they are able to comfortably handle differencing opinions with just one other student. They will be able to work together to form a plan and then take turns using the site to create their movie. When they use the computer in our classroom, they always work together in pairs. Therefore, working together with someone on the computer will not be a new idea. In kindergarten, we are always social!

Making Connections –
            In our classroom we have daily journals. I am trying to get them to move beyond writing one or even two isolated sentences. I am trying to get them to expand on these isolated sentences and create more of a story in their writing. I am trying to get them to answer who, what, where, when and why questions. I want them to tell me more! I want them to take what they are writing and expand! I am hoping that this project will allow them to piece together a basic beginning, middle and ending. I also hope that this will carry over into their daily writing.

Create/Produce –
            Each pair of students will create their own unique movie using the Web 2.0 tool, Zimmer Twin. I will be looking for a simple movie that includes a beginning, middle and ending sentence.

Assessment –
            We just had a meeting at school about this topic. As we discussed there, unfortunately most of the assessment that goes on in kindergarten is visual. It’s through teacher observations. I will be watching to see how they feel about writing. I will be looking for evidence of this to carry over into their daily writing. I want to see them begin to expand their writing. I am hoping that by providing them with a framework, they will be able to continue on their own. I would like to see that they are able to follow a writing format that includes a beginning, middle and ending. I am looking for a simple movie with just these three parts.

Reflection –
 I think that the most obvious form of reflection in this project is going to be viewing the final project. We will all watch each other’s movies. I think they will enjoy watching each movie and seeing the final projects. I would like them to offer comments and suggestions for each movie – something good and something that could be improved on for next time. I can’t wait to see how this will affect their writing.
            I was very impressed with how well my students used the Web 2.0 tool, Zimmer Twins. They were able to use the site with very little initial instruction and then create a basic movie. They were all very proud of their movies and wanted to do more. I will be continuing this activity with them so that they can add more dialogue to their movies.

Friday, February 18, 2011

PE5_Zimmer Twins

After they have been playing with Zimmer Twins, I hope to have them create more of a story line. I want them to write the script and then use the characters to create their own movie.

Check out what I was able to put together. I tried to demonstrate the process that I want them to go through. See how different it is from the previous student video. I hope they are able to see the difference as well.


I attempted to find other websites that would be suitable for my kindergarten classroom...

They continue to amaze me with how fearless they are when it comes to technology. It doesn't scare them. However, while website don't intimidate them, they do constantly need me to get started...especially those types of sites that have so many users that all of the basic user-names are being used!

So...I just kept coming back to Zimmer Twins!

I love how it is so user friendly. I tried another site with my students and they were continually asking me to "...sign them on, ...use my email address and ...what was that password again?" That's just not what I want for them. With Zimmer Twins, I have never had any of that.

In early childhood we allow the students to 'play' with the tools we will be using in class before we 'work' with them. So far, this is what my students have been doing. They have been piecing together clips that make them laugh. They don't have a point they are trying to make or even a script. They are just playing with the technology and that is where we always start.

Check out the movie that one of them made...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

BP7_one minute video


This is my 60 second commercial for ZimmerTwins.com.


Ken Burns effect...

I learned about the Ken Burns effect. Like I'm sure many of you, I have seen this effect in various movies and shows, but never realized it was something that is so easy to acheive.
This effect is named after a famous documentarian who began using it. The effect is the result of panning and zooming over still pictures to give them movement in a video.

adding still photos to iMovie
Obviously, you cannot see the effect in this still example. I have also included another screen shot of an example showing where the image would begin panning and then where it would end.

image begins in the green and pans to the red

I like the idea of including still photos into an iMovie project. I think it really adds to the overall effect of the final project.

These are not the only things that I have learned throughout this lynda.com iMovie tutorial. There are so many different things that iMovie is capable of doing - all from just the tools on your laptop. I am now ready to move everything onto iMovie. There was information in lynda.com on uploading movies from a tape recorder. I know I have some of those around here.

I think I need to begin a list of things to do after graduation.


Fine-tuning on the fly...

I found a new feature in iMovie that I really have needed lately. It's called fine-tuning!
the keyboard shortcut for fine-tuning is opt+cmd

the orange line can be moved to add or delete one scene at a time
I had trouble adjusting a clip to fit in the last iMovie I completed. I remember thinking that there must be a better way to cut just a second or two off the movie. Instead I tried to just find it - kinda like when I first got the DVR. I just got pretty good a guessing where to stop. (Now that I think about it, this feature must be on the DVR too! I'm gonna have to look into that!)

In addition to the keyboard shortcuts, there are also other ways to access this feature.

You can go to iMovie Preferences, choose the Browser and then choose "Show Fine Tuning controls."

This allows the controls to show directly on the picture that needs to be adjusted. You can then adjust the picture to cut the scene that needs to be removed.

I'm not sure if I will be able to remember each keyboard shortcut, but just knowing that it can be done is enough for me to find the tool that I will need.


So I procrastinated and began watching the lynda.com tutorials yesterday. I have to admit that when I saw the 2 hour and 22 minutes it was going to take, I kept putting it off. I didn't realize how simple it would have been to just do a few clips here and there throughout the week. It is already broken up into sections for you. I didn't have to do anything!

I know that we received the lynda.com information several months ago, but I just didn't know what it was. I have to admit that now I really love it. I really like how user friendly it is. I was a little hesitant at first in finding exactly what we were supposed to watch, but once I looked a little, there it was. It was all laid out and it would have been so simple to just do one or two sections a day. Just look!

Here is a short list of each section that I needed to watch and even a cute little "eye" icon that shows what I have already watched.

I'm really kicking myself!

But, now I am really looking forward to see what else this website can teach me. I am afraid to ask how much it would be to renew, but I think my year membership will extend past graduation. I should have some free time then, right?

BP6_Link to Christine's blog

Follow this link to Christine's blog.

screen shot of Zefty - allowance for you child/student

Check out the great site my classmate found. I can't wait to use it with my own kids at home. I've been looking for a way to handle allowances for some time now.
Thanks, Christine!

BP5_Link to Heather's blog

 Follow this link to Heather's blog.
screen shot of PanOramio
Check out the great site that my classmate found. I can't wait to show my class the world!

Thanks, Heather!

BP4_Zimmer Twins

Teaching kindergarten can somewhat tie my hands when it comes to the students’ ability to use a computer applications independently. Most of my students are not proficient readers. They need to have things read to them so that they can understand. They would not be able to successfully use any tools that required them to read and follow directions. In searching the web, I specifically tried to find something that they would be comfortable using. I want to expose them to the web in a way that would allow them to explore without feeling overwhelmed.

I came across a Web 2.0 tool called Zimmer Twins. And, of course, it’s FREE!

This site follows twins Edgar and Eva Zimmer and their black cat, named 13. These 12-year-old twins have psychic powers (though my kids never noticed) and through this website, you are able to use video clips to complete a unique video starring these characters.

I felt this site has an “iMovie for kids” feel. It allows students to sign on (we created a class account that everyone can use together) and choose from the pre-set actions.

You can then create your movie based on each picture you choose. You can add text to the speech bubbles and each scene allows you to change both the characters and the locations you can use with a simple drop down.

Once you have created your scenes, you can pull the slider bar back to view the entire movie. You can make changes or just continue working.

Just can continue until you have a great flick!

In class, we watched a short tutorial and then I just turned it over to my class. Keep in mind, they are 5 and 6 years old! They had a great time exploring and made some really silly videos. I even shared this site with the computer lab teacher. We thought it would have great possibilities for older kids. They could really explore the use of speech bubbles and create dialogue between the characters.

There is, of course, a VIP Membership. You can share your movies online, write reviews and grade other movies.

I think we will just stick to the free version.
Check it out!

Monday, February 7, 2011


I had no idea the World Wide Web had exploded. I guess I should have assumed. I mean technology itself has exploded right before our eyes, so it should be safe to assume that the Web has done the same. I guess I just hadn’t been out there lately.

Last night, I found Kideos. Kideos is a Web 2.0 tool that provides videos for kids. All the videos have already been approved for children and the site even has an age range selector at the top of the page. I was able to view videos from the PBS channel and Disney shows as well as several movie trailers. I was most impressed with the educational videos as well as the videos that offered a virtual field trip. It would take little planning to incorporate one of these simple videos into a classroom lesson. And the best part was, they were all free. I came into my classroom this morning to find something to use.

Kideos home page

Kideos virtual field trip page

virtual field trip with a New York City beekeeper

Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

Whether it was the speed of the Internet connection or the entire website was blocked by my district, I was not able to load any of the videos. I have to admit, I think I was more disappointed then the kids. I was able to pull up the site, however, the videos never loaded. You’ve seen it before – loading, loading… We waited, but in kindergarten I only have their attention for so long.

I came home and tried it again. It worked at home. I guess I will have to play around with it a bit. I’ll let you know if I figure out the problem.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

BP1_Welcome to my blog

I am a kindergarten teacher. 
In planting seeds, I hope to discover new ways to reach my beginning learners. Come and join me as I change the way I teach to meet my growing students. 
It will be an exciting adventure.