About Me

I have been a kindergarten teacher for 16 years. I now have children of my own and see on a daily basis how they use technology. I decided it was time to return to school myself. I am a currently a graduate student at Full Sail University working towards a Master's Degree in Education Media Design and Technology.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wk 3 - The Art of Possibility (Chapters 5-8)

photo take by Alicia Welch
In reading through The Art of Possibility this week, I was most drawn to what was written in chapter 6. This chapter focused on 'Rule Number 6.' This rule talked about remembering not to take yourself so seriously.

I think this is something that many of us need to keep in mind. We have a tendency to move through life quickly, focused on what we have to do, where we have to be and who we have to see. We need to remember to stop and focus on the larger picture. Not taking ourselves so seriously allows us to see that bigger picture. We need to stop and take the time to appreciate the smaller things in life.


  1. Alicia -
    Chapter Six hit home for me, as well. I constantly need to remind myself that my students are people, just like me. We are in this learning adventure together. I'm simply there to share with them, learn with them, and help them succeed. I think sometimes that educators put so much stress on ourselves to be the experts, to know everything, to be overly prepared so that we're not surprised. There's something to be said for a good surprise. If we can only relax and enjoy the journey, I think the experience will be much more enjoyable for us, as well as our students.

  2. I loved Chapter 6 too. It is so often that we are reminded what a fast pace we live and how grumpy people can be. I sometimes stop to wonder if they even realize that things are not as bad as they may seem at that moment. If only they would step back and not take it all too seriously...Not to say everything in life is this way. But like the old saying "don't sweat the small stuff!"

  3. Taking the time to stop and attend to the important things, to be in the moment, is so difficult and important. Thanks for sharing.
