About Me

I have been a kindergarten teacher for 16 years. I now have children of my own and see on a daily basis how they use technology. I decided it was time to return to school myself. I am a currently a graduate student at Full Sail University working towards a Master's Degree in Education Media Design and Technology.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wk 3 - Think Out-Loud PPP: part 2

frog (ready to jump in) was raised by target audience
In researching whether I wanted to publish or present my CBR project, I had decided last week to look into publishing.
This week I spend some time looking at each of the suggested journals. I tried to find one that would both fit my project and more importantly, my target audience. I finally decided that I would submit my publication to Learning & Leading with Technology. This publication is the International Society for Technology in Education's (ISTE) membership magazine. It takes simple ideas for utilizing technology to improve learning in the classroom. This seems to be a perfect fit for my project and its target audience of 5 year-olds.
I have already registered as an author. It appears that all I need to do is upload my project and they will notify me once it has been received.
I guess all I have to do now is get ready to jump in!


  1. Alicia,
    That is so exciting! Your project was so great. It is amazing how you were able to get your kindergarten student's into the 21st century. You have planted seeds that will possibly bloom into the next Steven Jobs or Bill Gates! Keep up the great work!
