About Me

I have been a kindergarten teacher for 16 years. I now have children of my own and see on a daily basis how they use technology. I decided it was time to return to school myself. I am a currently a graduate student at Full Sail University working towards a Master's Degree in Education Media Design and Technology.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wk 4 - The Art of Posibility (Chapters 9-12)

In reading through the final chapters of The Art of Possibility, it was something written in the final pages that seemed to sum up everything for me. The authors wrote "choose the practices that express yourself." This seems to incorporate each aspect of the book, each chapter, and combine it into one simple answer. An answer that many of us probably already know. That we need to chose what works for us.

photo taken by Alicia Welch
That simple statement can be true in many different instances. We have to find the theory, the plan, the style that works for us. We cannot do things simply because someone else has done it that way. We can not be held accountable to something that may work for you, because it just might not be what is best for me. In those simple lines, "choose the practices that express yourself," I have been given the freedom to take and use what I can. The author seems to recognize the individuality in each of us. In removing the stress of having to try everything, I have been given the power to know and understand myself.


  1. I agree with your comments Alicia. I also remember reading something at the end of the book about this is not a book of answers it is a book of tools. This may not be the exact words but I think that is why you have had the opportunity to look within yourself. I also think that this book was good to help us make connections to us and reflect on situations. Good Job Alicia.

  2. I completely agree with you, I couldn't have said it better myself. I feel like this book should be used to put the power back into each individuals hands in order for them to be successful!

  3. Isn't this a great way to finish our Full Sail journey? Throughout this year we have been trying to equip ourselves with new tools and see ourselves in a different light. Now we come to the end and get a book that tells us, it's okay to be different, it's okay to find what works for you...

    I think this also is the paradox that is the current trend of education. The powers to be try to stick all of us in one box, with one program/theory that is supposed to be the solution to all of the problems. Obviously this is a problem because we are not all alike...we have different strengths/weaknesses. How do we solve this?? I'm afraid I have no idea...

  4. Alicia,
    Your post has reminded me of a great quote by Mark Twain. He said, "People are different. And it is best that way." If we all followed our passions and respected one another, I think this would be a much better world we would be living in.

  5. I feel the same way. As I read through the chapters I felt like as adults these were things that we already knew but we don’t take the time to put it into perspective so that it works for us. The last chapter really sums it up.

  6. wonderful summary and reflection on the reading.
